LANGUAGE: Dansk English (UK)

Hell and a Loving God

Is it possible to see hell and destruction as a side of God's love?

If we take Jesus' words at face value, there is no denying the reality of hell. But most of us hide this truth in a small, remote corner of our minds and are reluctant to let it surface. It is very difficult for us to reconcile our belief in God's boundless love with the fact that the Bible clearly talks about condemnation and a real, tangible hell. How can I believe that God is love if he lets my good friend end up in hell?

I have written a book in which I attempt to tackle this problem. There are no cheap solutions, but I believe that it is possible to retain our belief in God's love, even when we are confronted with the reality of hell.

The book is available on both as a paperback and as a Kindle ebook. (Europeans may prefer to get the Kindle version from one of the European Amazon sites.)

The first chapter can be downloaded as a PDF file.
