LANGUAGE: Dansk English (UK)

About Us

We are Trine and Claus Tøndering, we live in Lyngby, 15 kilometres north of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Claus (born 1953) has an M.Sc. degree in computer science. He is now retired. Claus has written a few books: “Where Are the Lions? – Tales from the New Jerusalem,” a novel about what eternal life might be like; “Hell and a Loving God” about how to reconcile the belief in a loving God with Jesus’ clear words about hell; and “Julius og Gregor,” a Danish book about the history of calendars.

Claus maintains this website. You can find more information by using the menu at the top of this page.

Trine (born 1957) works as a free-lance translator of English books into Danish. In our local church, she is an active volunteer. Furthermore, she assists in religious instruction for the school service of the Danish National Church.

We have four adult daughters, Maria, Nina, Rebekka, and Michala. They are all married and we have eight marvellous grandchildren.

We are Lutheran Christians and active in a local church, Haraldskirken (link is in Danish).

We can be reached by email by adding “” to our first name.


Where Are the Lions?

Where Are the Lions? –
Tales from the New Jerusalem

Free e-book: A novel about eternity.